
lundi 31 août 2015

H81110N Stock Rooted System Image

Whats up guys, Rydah here again. Here I present you guys with a stock rooted H81110N system image. This is for those who want root but cannot get TWRP to flash prior to root using MicroMod777's "One Click TWRP" tool. I unfortunately was one who couldn't get TWRP to flash before rooting and needed root before doing so but was able to flash TWRP after rooting via my system image.

  • An H811 Device

  • Already On The 10N Base

  • LG Drivers (Found Here)

  • A Windows PC

  • Send_Command Tools (Found Here)

  1. Unzip The Send_Command Tools

  2. Move The Rooted System Image Into The Send_Command Folder

  3. Once your inside the send_command folder where you placed the rooted system image, hold Shift+Right Click and select "Open Command Window Here."

  4. Type in: Send_Command.exe \.\COM# (Replace the "#" with your devices actual COM number. To find this out, open Window's Device Manager (With your device plugged in) and find it under Ports

  5. Type in: id

  6. You should now have a "#" in the command window.

  7. Type in (Or copy and paste this in): dd if=/data/media/0/rootedsystem.img bs=8192 seek=65536 count=548352 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0

  8. It'll take a few minutes but a successful flash should bring you to another "#" prompt.

  9. Type in: LEAVE

  10. Enjoy

Stock Rooted 10N System Image

Additional information and clearer instructions can be found here. Same steps and procedures but with a different flash command.

Hope this was useful to some.


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