By Lonely Geek
From RainSeal Team
Chinese description is also posted on the second floor.
Chinese description is also posted on the second floor.
AgNi Kernel
S6 Launcher
S6 Menu
S6 Ringtones
S6 Phone
S6 Other features
Note 4 Air Command (new features)
Note 4 S Note with Action Memo
Note 4 Smart Select
Note 4 Image Clip
Note 4 Scrapbook
Note 4 S Finder
Note 4 Quick Connect
Note 4 Multiwindow
Note 4 Recent Apps
Note 4 Direct Pen Input
Note 4 Side Key Panel
Note 4 Resize Windows from corners (new Pen Window)
Note 4 Power Saving Mode
Note 4 Ultra Power Saving Mode
Note 4 Settings and UI
Note 4 Accuweather
Note 4 Contacts app
Note 4 Phone app with N4 feature incoming call popup notification, resize window during calls feature and call recording feature
Note Messaging app with N4 feature SMS pop-up notificaton
Note 4 lockscreen with charging effects and new lockscreen effects (only Abstract Mozaic don't work)
Note 4 Music Player
Note 4 Video Player
Note 4 Internet Browser
Note 4 Gallery with SStudio
Note 4 S Voice with new pop-up features
Note 4 S Planner, Email, Keyboard, Clock, My Files, Calculator
Note 4 Story Album
Note 4 Photo Note
Possible to use the same app in both multiwindows
Flashing Instructions
1) You need to have Samsung 4.3 Bootloader or newer. MJ5 firmware Bootloader is recommended for those who wish to avoid knox counter. Please use latest KitKat Bootloader if you wish to be able to plug your phone while turn off.
2) Make sure you have the latest TWRP/CWM recovery installed. TWRP recovery is recommended.(Linked: TWRP thread
3) Next, remember to backup your app and your efs folder. That's something that you always should do before flashing anything
4) Go to TWRP/CWM recovery via pressing home + power + volume up button at the same time.
5) Make a nandroid backup if you haven't done so.
6) Use the "Clean to install a new rom" option in Wipe Data and system.(clean installation recommended)
7) (Reminder) Remember that everything you flash you do it at your own risk so do your research before flashing anyhting.
8) Now go to choose to install the rom zip file.
9) Flash the rom. It should take less than 10 minutes till it boots.
9) Enjoy the ROM
1. The RainBow OS has been released in China for a long time ,and it is stable-used in China. I am not able to test it in the US ,So I dont know whether there are bugs. if you are from China , you can use it perfectly .
2. If no data,PLS try these apps to choose your network carrier: (it may FC , PLS try twice.)!kwIhzKqZ!bmQqKk...izC9oU4dfftfgA
Sinserely Thanks To
True Love
True Love
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