
jeudi 3 septembre 2015

[HOWTO] Maximize the potential of the (Lumia) Win10M camera

okay just to the point, this is the way you can maximize camera manual control (tested on Lumia 730)

1 open CustomPFD and move to Registry Tree
2 continue to HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\nokia\Camera
3. choose FrontFacingCamera (FFC) or RearFacingCamera (RFC)
4. continue to Caps
5. if you want to set minimal ISO, select "+" and type Key: MinIso | value: less than 100 (example 25), and WRITE
6. if you want to set maximal ShutterPeed, select "+" and type key: MaxET | value: 4000000 (more value dont work), and WRITE
7 Test your Camera

A. MaxIso and MaxET for RFC is 3200 and 4000000 (if you set it more than that, it'll not work)
B. MinIso for RFC is 10 (if you set it less than that it'll not work)
C. MaxIso and MaxET for FFC is 800 and 4000000 (if you set it more than that, it'll not work)

#maybe with this way, you can bring back 4s shutter for example 520/630/etc.

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