
jeudi 3 septembre 2015

[GUIDE] Installing Xposed Framework on Stock ROM after ROOT for Oneplus 2


The #HYPE is correct.
OPT devs are on the job for creating the best base of CM12.1

Meanwhile here is my guide to install the Xposed Framework on Stock Oxygen OS after Root.


1) YOU NEED PERFECT ROOT WITH SU. Follow THIS awesome simple guide.Before Starting to Unlock Your Boot Loader
  • Backup Every Bit of Your Data

  • Perform fill wipe op your mobile

  • Don't use encrypted mobile. REMOVE Encryption

  • Have patience, After OEM Unlock, Don't Reboot.

  • (Hold Volume Down + Power) to open the TWRP else you will end up in STOCK Recovery.

2) Make a NANDROID

Since OPT is based on ARM64, Get the following from Official Xposed Thread Here
You should get these two files
1) - (5.62 MB)
2) XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk - (611.8 KB)

Once You are ready with all the above quoted prerequisites, start

Step 1:
Download the above said two files in a folder of your OPT Internal Memory

Step 2:
Boot to recovery

Step 3:
Flash 1st file which is a Zip File

Step 4:
Reboot your Mobile after flashing normally.

Step 5:
Open the Second File (.apk) from your file browser and install.

Step 6:
Open the Exposed Installer from you app Menu.

If everything goes well, You should find this..

Hope From this you can take off downloading the modules you would like to and enjoy tweaking the Stock ROM...

This is Youtube PopUp Module (Second one from the list) Working on my OPT

This is the Lockscreen Mod

Enjoy Guzy.. Hit Like if this guide Helped :)

Attached Thumbnails

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