SlimRoms is a custom android operating system. The main goal is to offer users a slimmed down but still feature rich alternative to other android operating systems.
The entire SlimTeam work together to bring you this tailor-made beauty straight from Android Open Source Project (AOSP) source code.
All of the sources can be publicly viewed through GitHub and you can stop by the public Gerrit to submit patches of any type.
SlimLP is the project name for SlimRoms based on Android 5.1 Lollipop and offers the following original features:
* Slim Dialer
A full replacement of the official Google closed source dialer with added features. - We've got you covered.
* Privacy guard
Disable unnecessary permissions set by app developers. - Privacy is part of the experience.
* Slim Center
Downloads, contact information, system app removal. - More fun than you can shake a stick at.
* System-Wide Keyboard Controls
Rotation, cursor control, optional emoticons..etc. - You'll be tapping away to your heart's content.
* Custom Shortcuts WIP
Hardware keys, Navigation Ring, Navigation Bar, Lockscreen, Tiles, Notifications etc. - Customize it the way you like it.
Important links:
slimroms.eu - The official webpage where you find everything you need to know about SlimRoms.
Downloads - also download GAPPS
Installation instructions - Follow these steps to the letter if you're about to install SlimRoms on your device.
Latest Changelog - Read here if you want information on changes in latest build.
FAQ - The most frequent asked questions with answers.
Kernel Source - The source of your device's kernel.
Get in touch! - Contact SlimRoms at these places if you have questions, requests or feedback.
Xda Forums
Disclaimer: SlimRoms are not responsible for any damages to your device.
XDA:DevDB Information
SlimLP, ROM for the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
jenkins-84, SlimRoms
Source Code: https://github.com/SlimRoms
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: Unlocked Bootloader
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 0.7
Beta Release Date: 2015-09-22
Created 2015-09-22
Last Updated 2015-09-22
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