Based on CM but with some key changes, and packed full of features from the wonderful custom ROM teams we have all come to know and love. This ROM is just getting started and I will update frequently as things progress along into the beast we know this will be.
*App Circle Bar
*App Side Bar
*Breathing Notifications
*Custom LCD Density
*Custom Lockscreen Circle Shortcuts (up to ten)
*Custom Lockscreen Slider Shortcuts
*Separate custom color options for both shortcut styles
*Expanded Desktop
*Heads Up Customizations and Timeout
*Gesture Anywhere
*Gesture Lockscreen
*KeyPad Shuffler on Lockscreen Security
*Privacy Guard
*Lockscreen Notifcation PER APP Controls for Normal OR Secure Lockscreen
*Priority Notifications
*Battery Saver Custom Color
*MultiUser Support
*WhisperPush Support
*Long Press Back to Kill with Timeout Options
*SuperSU Included and Built Into Settings to Replace Standard SuperUser
*Advanced Reboot and Unknown Sources Install by Default
*Heads Up Notifications
*Notification Light and Color Control (Device Dependant)
*Cyanide L Pitch Black Theme ( was hard coded but we have reverted to stock white and made it a theme engine theme, download above)
*Custom Toast, System, ListView Animations and Scrolling Modifiers
*Custom Power Menu Options
*Custom Quick Settings Tiles WITH Custom Colors, currently I have 50 Tiles
*Quick Settings Custom Options including Vibrate, Force Expanded Notifications and many others
*Recents Apps Clear All Locations, Search Bar Enable/Disable and Option to use OmniSwitch if you prefer
*Shift Tools (Kernel/Performance Control App Built by ME(Rogersb11)
*System App Remover
*Wakelock Blocker
*Hardware Keys Disable Option
*Status Bar Battery Mods Including Styles (Battery Bar Included), Custom Colors for Icon and Text and Charging Animation Control
*Status Bar Clock and Date Options Including Custom Color, Font Style, Clock Location(Left, Right and Center)
*Custom WiFi and Network Icons Colors
*Network Speed Indicator with On/Off switch, Custom Colors and AutoHide Option
*Status Bar Header Icon and Text Custom Colors
*Smart Control (Direct Call in MMS or Dialer like TouchWiz)
*FULL Ambient Display Implementation as Active Display from KK (Thanks Squadzone and OmniRom)
*Nova Launcher
*Cyanide Central with Downloads, Source Links, Google Plus and Source Links as well. Each device has it's own tab
*Status Bar Weather Control with Custom Color and Location Support
*Custom Statusbar Icon Colors
*Custom Notification Headers and Icons Colors
*Status Bar Ticker and custom color
*Status Bar Notification Count and custom color
*Status Bar Logo
*Status Bar Logo Color
*Status Bar Custom Greeting
*Full Weather Control Panel
*Lock Screen Weather with Custom Icons and Text Colors
*Navbar for ALL devices with custom actions, shortcuts and numerous custom layouts as well
*CyanogenMod Theme Engine
*PA Pie EXTENDED Cyanide Version
*Custom Carrier Label with custom color in Statusbar
*Long Click Support in Statusbar Header
*Cyanide Shortcuts and Actions
*Status bar button options for cyanide shortcut, heads up, task manager and power menu button
*Status bar temperature status with color and position options
* Option to hide numerous annoying icons in the status bar, many are extras
*Custom power menu, up to 20 actions
*Custom power menu text and icon color
*On The Go Mode
*Option to show Cyanide logo instead of empty recents text
*4 tiles per row option, along with tons of extra quick settings options
*Custom notification colors for ALL notifications
*Custom recents clear all icon colors
*Slim Recents with extra color mods
*Custom hardware key rebinding, 20 actions with single and double tap option as well as long press
*Lockscreen Wallpaper option
*Floating Windows/Multi-Window( This is triggered with slim recents, stock recents if development shortcut is on in developer options, appsidebar, app circle bar, slim actions, notifications(long press for a float mode button), and gesture anywhere.
*Scrolling animation cache control
*Torch on screen off options
*Smart Lid options
*TRDS(Cyanide Blackout)
*Slider Tabs Mods menu layout
*HW Key disabler
*Double tap lockscreen to sleep
*long press lock icon to sleep
*Custom Notification Lights options, for screen on as well
*Quick Pulldown
*Smart Pulldown
*Recents RAM bar
*Option to autohide lockscreen weather depending on the amount of notifications
*I Know That Is A LOT LOL but still SO SO MUCH MORE and MORE TO COME!!!!!
CyanideL RC 19.0
3) Wipe Cache/Dalvik Cache
4) Flash the ROM and Gapps.
5) Reboot and PROFIT!!!!
6) Enjoy
1) Wipe Dalvik, Cache, and System
2) Flash ROM and Gapps
3) Reboot and PROFIT!!!!
Known bugs: Same as CM by Grarak
Thank you and enjoy!!
If you like our work, then maybe you would like giving a small donation or buy us a beer. You know you want to lol :victory:
Donate to @rogersb11
XDA:DevDB Information
Cyanide L, ROM for the OnePlus 2
Source Code: https://github.com/CyanideL
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: A custom recovery (TWRP preferrable),ROM and Gapps zip file,knowledge on how to flash zip files.
Based On: CyanogenMod
Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: R1
Beta Release Date: 2015-09-03
Created 2015-09-03
Last Updated 2015-09-03
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Well unless you're the one meal a day and I bet you'll be fit enough just from that alone.
RépondreSupprimerAs this pertains to diet plan rather than worrying about eating less expand your exercise
program with it frequently not even be some thing you need to do so throws up a smokescreen of 30 day non-judgementalism.
At this juncture, the better, you can do at home to lose weight, you may define