
mardi 22 septembre 2015

problems with gt-p6800 after samsung's lab repair

Hi guys.
I have a serious problem with my tab.
I had a problem with the sim card adaptor, it doesn't read any sim, so I sent the tab to samsung's labs to repair it.
They solved the problem, but now my tab is really too slow even to open an app like calendar...!
The whole o.s is slow, even the navigation in internet.
The thing that let me think is that I had 4.0.4 in the tab before they repair it, and after they send the tab with honeycomb o.s...
I formatted and updated to 4.0.4, but the problem persist.
What can I do to solve the problem?
I have a screenshot of the principal system information, but I do not know how to attache it...
Thanks a lot

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