
mardi 15 septembre 2015

[MOD]SOKP {Sense Open Kang Project} MOD(S)

Here we have some Mod's for your HTC ONE M9
more will be listed here as the project progresses

AUX improvement - this mod effects the AUX output on your device, as in your headphones (see attachment) file path is system/etc/. Attachment 3474892
Speaker - (WIP)

wip - some files still need tinkering, we're close but no cigar yet.

you tell me?

Developers feel free to use this in your rom's, my only condition is give credit and thanks
I kindly ask that this not be included in other audio mod packs with out written consent. reason being is I spent hours going through the file to make the perfect output. thank you for understanding.

On another not I ask you all to save your thanks post! there is a button for that, please use it.
I do ask everyone to post issues with the device. - not rom related issues as in why doesn't xrom xtweak work.

questions and answers
why isn't it a flashable zip? because this is a development forum! if you cant adb push a file or manually move it via a file-explorer you're sol.

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