
mardi 1 septembre 2015

Can't connect SGP312 to PC

I recently acquired an SGP312 from ebay and the seller upgraded it to 5.0.2 without anyone asking for it (it was supposed to be NIB now who knows).

I have not unlocked the bootloader but I did confirm it is locked and can be unlocked.

I'm trying to connect it to my PC so I can get it rooted but I'm running into issues with the device being recognized.

I installed the Android SDK USB drivers & copied over android_winusb.inf and fastboot appears to be working fine. Windowns (7) Device Manager, Flashtool, and the Sony flash tool (Emma) all see the tab.

However, none of the other connection modes appear to work.

Flash mode will initially connect with Flashtool but the the device disconnects:

31/037/2015 23:37:03 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
31/038/2015 23:38:04 - INFO - Device disconnected
31/038/2015 23:38:21 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
31/038/2015 23:38:21 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.

Device Manager shows an Other Devices with SGP312. I tried doing the Update Driver Software option with the drivers from the Sony developer site or the Android SDK drivers but no go.

I then boot up normally and connect either with or without ADB turned on and get the same Device Manager and driver results and PC Companion won't see the phone, either.

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